how do i figure a dollar amount in califirnia for landlord harasment c

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New Member
My landlord has been harassing me since I moved in what would be considered a reasonable dollar amount per day in a lawsuit
My landlord has been harassing me since I moved in what would be considered a reasonable dollar amount per day in a lawsuit

Reasonable is of no consequence.

You allege damages, how you were harmed or wronged, then prove it up.
You might want to discuss this with a lawyer to see if he/she believes you have a case & if so, what the damages are.
My landlord has been harassing me since I moved in what would be considered a reasonable dollar amount per day in a lawsuit

Before you waste money and time, perhaps you can explain the harassment?
OP might be able to get an initial consultation with a lawyer for free. However; if OP does explain the harassment to us, we might be able to give our "opinion" of whether there "might" be a case.
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