Naturalization, Citizenship How do I get duo citizenship?

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New Member
I was born in Canada, adopted and raised in the US. I am a naturalized US citizen. I have made contact with my Canadian family and would like to know if I can have Canadian citizenship without giving up my US citizenship.

Faith Ann
When someone is born in Canada, he/she is automatically a Canadian citizen i believe... its better to clarify with an immigration specialist
duel citizen

It is my experience that a child born in Canada is automatically a citizen in order to become a Dual citizen you must live out of canada per a period of time a petition that country of citizenship. After it is aquired you must reurn to Canada for a period every so often in order to keep it
However the US does not recognize Duality. You are either American or your not
Canada does
The US does tolerate double citizenship, so you can keep your Canadian.
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