how do i get my deposit back

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New Member
i moved out of an apartment 7 months ago and contested not getting back my security deposit they said is was due to damage of the carpet stains and such during my lease we were subject to two sewage floods after the second flood the managment said they would replace the carpets instead of having them cleaned there was no mention of blame for the fllod upon leaving we recieved a letter stating how much we owed we didnt bother to take pictures because we expected everything else that we might owe to be taken care of by the security deposit in the invoice we were charged for a number of things that we didnt have to pay for most outstanding was the carpet i confronted the management about it they said i was right about everything but the carpet they said they replaced the carpet during my lease and we damaged the second carpet they never replaced the carpet and are now trying to send us to collections i live in san jose ,CA any help would be greatly appreciated
i moved out of an apartment 7 months ago and contested not getting back my security deposit they said is was due to damage of the carpet stains and such during my lease we were subject to two sewage floods after the second flood the managment said they would replace the carpets instead of having them cleaned there was no mention of blame for the fllod upon leaving we recieved a letter stating how much we owed we didnt bother to take pictures because we expected everything else that we might owe to be taken care of by the security deposit in the invoice we were charged for a number of things that we didnt have to pay for most outstanding was the carpet i confronted the management about it they said i was right about everything but the carpet they said they replaced the carpet during my lease and we damaged the second carpet they never replaced the carpet and are now trying to send us to collections i live in san jose ,CA any help would be greatly appreciated

So, the invoice for the "repairs" not only ate up your security deposit, it exceeded it, right?

Now, they're sending you a bill for the excess amount.

If you failed to do a walkthough with the landlord, and/or take pictures or videos, you're gonna get screwed.

You can sue them in small claims court for charging you beyond what they agreed to do by replacing the second carpet.

If you do that, you'll probably be allowed an offset in lieu of their promise to replace the carpet for free, and subsequently charging you.

At this point, legal action against them on your part, could only help.
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