How do I go about filing a claim against auto shop that damaged my car

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While my car was being repaired and kept at the shop a mechanic had the car in the reverse gear instead of park and the car backed into a concrete wall leaving body damage to the trunk. How do I go about filing a claim? Do I just report it to my insurance company? Unfortunately for me, I gave the shop the opportunity to fix the car and now I am getting the run around. Will this cause my insurance to go up?
While my car was being repaired and kept at the shop a mechanic had the car in the reverse gear instead of park and the car backed into a concrete wall leaving body damage to the trunk. How do I go about filing a claim? Do I just report it to my insurance company? Unfortunately for me, I gave the shop the opportunity to fix the car and now I am getting the run around. Will this cause my insurance to go up?

I suspect your biggest problem will be in PROVING that a mechanic from the auto repair shop is responsible for damaging your car.

You can report it to your insurance carrier and see what they advise.

But, you'll likely need PROOF.

PROOF in this case seems to be an eyewitness or a CONFESSION from the culprit.

Good luck....
Start by reporting accident to your ins. co. - see what they say & go from there.

We can't say if your ins. will go up or not. If it is determined you were not at fault, then "probably" not.

Good luck.
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