How do I obtain subpeona?

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For the past year my celular phone company has been placing calls on my bill that state "unavailable number." I have requested the celular phone company to provide me with those numbers. The phone company is unwilling to give me the information requested unless I obtain a subpeona. Where do I go to obtain one? Do I need to hire an attorney or can I do this on my own? I do not even know where to start, please help!
Are they incoming or outgoing calls?

Sounds like the phone company is trying to scam you. You're entitled to a detailed list of what you're paying for.
They are both incoming and outgoing calls. These are all calls made from a cel phone to another cel phone. I also think they are trying to pull my chain, but they insist that I must have a supeona. Do you know where I could get one?
A subpoena needs to be justified by an underlying action (suit), either pretrial/discovery or after trial to enforce a judgment. Are you being harassed?
If you are being harassed by the party with the "unavailable number", file suit against the "doe". Then serve the company with a subpoena for the records.
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