How do I proceed in a hostile situation?


New Member
New York
A very quick summary of my situation - I had an undiagnosed medical issue that was accommodated by my employer for over 3 years, and I had consistently good performance reviews and exceeded my goals annually. My boss found out I had started to look for another job, including another one within the same company, and told me I couldn't leave and that she couldn't bear to see me go because she trusted no one else in her department. A few weeks after that, she got into trouble for something, and all of a sudden I was written up for poor performance, told that my accommodation would no longer be considered, and told that my job role changed. I was never given any explanation of how to improve my performance, no tangible measure of what constituted improvement, and no time frame for improvement. Any time I asked, I was denied an answer. HR removed me from reporting to my boss, but she continued to be involved in my day to day management, and when this was brought up to HR, they said I had to roll with the punches.

Because my medical issue is no longer being accommodated, my work HAS deteriorated in the past 4 months, and I am yelled at and threatened with firing regularly. I have since received an official diagnosis, and when I spoke to HR about the continued situation, was told "well, sometimes people fake things."

I don't know what to do at this point - do I quit for my own physical and mental health, or wait for them to fire me? Is this a lawsuit waiting to happen, or is HR right and am I making everything up?
I don't know what to do at this point - do I quit for my own physical and mental health, or wait for them to fire me?

That is a choice you will have to make on your own.

If you have friends and relatives you trust, you might seek their opinions.

You can't hurt yourself by aggressively seeking a better employment arrangement.

Is this a lawsuit waiting to happen, or is HR right and am I making everything up?

Again, you must make that decision.

If you wish to become more informed, it might be helpful for you to speak with three employment lawyers in your county.

Normally the first consultation is offered at no charge, but you might be wise to ask as you discuss an appointment.
do I quit for my own physical and mental health, or wait for them to fire me? Is this a lawsuit waiting to happen

Considering you provided us with no details regarding either your medical condition or your work, any answers to these questions from anonymous strangers on the internet would be nothing more than blind guesses and, therefore, utterly useless to you.

or is HR right and am I making everything up?

I have a hard time believing anyone knows better than you whether you are making up anything?

Your post touches on a legal issue, but there's no way for anyone here to address that issue intelligently without relevant factual information. I too encourage you to consult with one or more local employment law attorneys.

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