How do I reduce alimony?

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I live in Georgia. I got a divorce to my wife in April of 2006. She got the house and I got the some property. I bought her out of the business. At the time I would do anything to get divorced. In order for her to pay her bills we worked it for me to pay her $5000.00 dollars a month for 13 years. Now realizing this was a MAJOR mistake. I get paid about $7000.00 from my company, and another $1000.00 from rent from my property ( Thats what i make after my payment for the property). So she sits at her big house and does not work, and collects more money then I am left with. I am now in contempt of court because I am $9500.00 dollars behind. I realize I will have to get caught up, but afterwards how do I go about reducing my alimony?
Well it was silly of you to agree to pay something you cannot afford. You may not be able to reduce alimony. You foolishly agreed to pay this amount.

Did you have an attorney at all? You need one now for sure. I would see one and see if there is any way you can re-open this case.
file a motion

go online to your state's court site, find the papers you need to file for modification of spousal support.. i think it is .. notice of motion.. do this fast, you need to show your income as well as hers, let the judge make a decision, you can do this without an attorney.
it is easy to do..
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