Domestic Violence & Civil Orders how do I report a false police report?


New Member
Washington state Hi. I have a protection order issued against me and my ex-wife keeps trying to get me criminally convicted by alleging I violate the order. Once for a letter a friend of mine wrote her without my knowledge and now she went to the police and showed the officer an outdated protection order which was replaced by another one which was less restrictive. She told the officer I violated the terms of the (no longer existing) order and I am facing criminal charges now. Of course I can get these charges dismissed in court but just showing that the order was no longer in place but I need to do something about my ex so that she won't keep on trying to "get me". How can I have someone prosecuted for filing a proven false police report and other forms of consistent legal persecution? Thank you
I need to do something about my ex so that she won't keep on trying to "get me".

Unless you're willing to engage in criminal activity, there is no way to make a crazy person stop behaving in a crazy way.

How can I have someone prosecuted for filing a proven false police report and other forms of consistent legal persecution?

I would think it obvious that you can do exactly what she did: contact the police and/or the prosecutor and make your allegations and request that the prosecutor initiate criminal proceedings against her.

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