How do you get child support from a bum?

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I have been trying to get child support out of my ex for nearly three years now. He's only worked 6 months in his entire life, three months at once place, and three months at another. He is 26 years old!!

We went and talked to the attorney general and he was suppose to return within 6 months to tell them about any income he is making. He never did of course, and it's been a year now.

He does nothing but live at his grandmas house, sleep all day, stay up all night, and go out drinking.

I was told by a lawyer to go to the attorney general and tell them I know he isn't looking for work, and hasn't made any efforts to either.

He is a "grandmas boy" and his grandma will try anything she can to make me not take him for child support, by giving me $20 a week for our son ONLY when he comes over. Which is a gift to my son and not child support from my X, because he has no income, and he was suppose to report it if so.

Please help! I love my son dearly, but can't stand that someone is just laying around doing absolutely nothing.

When is it that threats of jail time or license suspension come into play?

My son is also on a medicaid card, "All Kids" in the state of IL and I thought public aid would eventually get him for child support??
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I have been trying to get child support out of my ex for nearly three years now. He's only worked 6 months in his entire life, three months at once place, and three months at another. He is 26 years old!!

We went and talked to the attorney general and he was suppose to return within 6 months to tell them about any income he is making. He never did of course, and it's been a year now.

He does nothing but live at his grandmas house, sleep all day, stay up all night, and go out drinking.

I was told by a lawyer to go to the attorney general and tell them I know he isn't looking for work, and hasn't made any efforts to either.

He is a "grandmas boy" and his grandma will try anything she can to make me not take him for child support, by giving me $20 a week for our son ONLY when he comes over. Which is a gift to my son and not child support from my X, because he has no income, and he was suppose to report it if so.

Please help! I love my son dearly, but can't stand that someone is just laying around doing absolutely nothing.

When is it that threats of jail time or license suspension come into play?

My son is also on a medicaid card, "All Kids" in the state of IL and I thought public aid would eventually get him for child support??

This is the State of Illinois Child Support website:

Check it out and learn how to pursue this creep.

But, if he is as you describe, a deadbeat, he will never work or support that baby.

In the end, they can incarcerate him, but you still won't get paid.

But, if he doesn't pay voluntarily, it takes years to collect.

I've known women that pursued these bums for 20 years, and never collected a dime.

The men have been in and out of prison.

They use other stupid women to support them.

The lesson here is, be very careful about the men you select to BREED you.

ese kinds of bums don't want children, they only want sex.

Sometimes you have to say NO!!!!!!

Then, there is always birth control.
It's guys like the one you're fighting that give the other fathers a bad name.

I'm at risk of jail time after 12 months of no payments. Time flies, and I had no idea it was that long. I acctpted my punishment (probation and a payment plan, and suspended lisence) and worked on making it right.

Then I got laid off and have been paying everything I can since. But because it wasn't always full payments they are taking me back to court for probation violation. I'm honestly trying my hardest to find more work, and make full payments while "deadbeat" dads are walking around untouched.

This hurts me in more ways then one. why should I be punished for an honest effort, while others are ignored for ignoring their kids?

I'm sorry, I seem to have vented on you there...

My point is, stay on the DFS and they will get him eventually. Don't count on money from him, but you will get the satisfaction of knowing he will sleep all day next to "Bubba".
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