I was waiting for a reponse so I could attack? I was simply checking if there was an answer to my question. You don't feel someone might want to know if someone was truly their husbands sister or not? Or in the context of my question, my own sister? This is a very dysfunctional family I'm speaking of and you can't simply take their word for everything.
It wasn't my intention to attack anyone for goodness sake. It was my intention to discover if my sister-in-law is really my sister-in-law or not. This affair was wrong on more then a few levels and their are complications regarding my further relations with the people who have been my in-laws more then half of my life, and the grandparents and aunts and uncles to my sons. Its pretty maddening to have photos of my husband and his sister/ex-mistress taken while they were engaged in an affair emailed to me by my mother-in-law and be told that they are "beautiful family photos", and that my next "stage of progress in this matter is to except that she is your children's aunt". There are child custody and visitation issues in question that incest may affect. So I wanted to know if I could, for my own knowledge, find out if she was legitimitly adopted or not. The "sister" claimed to my husband that she wasn't, the parents and other sibling always claimed for over 20 years that she was. I thought a lawyer may know how to do that. Thats all.