How does the HOA stay out of neighbor feuds?

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What is the name of your state? Florida

We have a neighbor (G) who is pursuing some kind of vendetta against another neighbor (W) and is attempting to draw our Homeowners Association (HOA) into their dispute.

Last year G's dog was off-leash and chased after W who was jogging in the street. This dog is a large lab and we have often seen G struggling to control this dog. W contacted animal control for the leash law infraction and animal control issued a citation to G. G was able to successfully defend themselves in animal court.

In background, G's family is very wealthy and has a brother who is a powerful attorney in this town. G has filed a lawsuit against W related to the leash law infraction report.

W's husband is on the HOA board and has reclused himself from the board since the suit was filed. He is now resigning from his position on the board. G has subpeonaed all emails between board members in addition to board meeting minutes and the board president was subpeonaed for a deposition.

On several occasions G has come to board members homes to threaten them with lawsuit and subject them to verbal abuse.

G's lawyer is now issuing claims that the board was illegally voted in, that the board has not given them access codes to the main gate (although computer records show use of their personal code), that in investigating various complaints ranging from theft of water to property damage (they claim a tresspass sign -unapproved signage is against covenants- was destroyed by W but could not provide a receipt for the sign nor a police report or responding officer badge number when they allegely called the cops) by not finding any evidence linked to W, the board is harassing them.

Thus far, the HOA and therefore homeowners, have had to spend a couple of thousand dollars in legal fees for representation. I can see no outcome for these legal expenses that will benefit our small community. How do we stop these costs from escalating if not recover them outright?

In the meanwhile, G is dumping yard waste onto the common area next to their property and are encroaching on this adjacent common area by planting thorny bushes there. Because of all the threats, the board has been intimidated against enforcing covenants.

What can be done?
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