how far could I make this go?

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I work as a peace officer and was involved in a incident with a party that is saying I assaulted him excessively. Without getting into to many details. The claim has been filed with another agency for possible criminal charges and he also started and internal investigation. He is already trying to seek money for "injuries" from this incident. Long and short of it is the whole incident is on tape which he doesn't know and soon will find out after everything is finaliized and all allegations are completely false. you can clearly see the whole incident on the video tape. I have already been confront by members of my community about the incident and it brings about a sense of dishonesty and distrust from them. It is a small community and i stay involved with a lot of youth programs. I feel right now as if I am may unwelcome in these areas. The person making the allegations has filed similar complaints on other professionals but no one has ever had the incident on tape. Wondering what do due from here. a side note is the guy is on disabilty and has had several other incidents similar to this. He also owns propert which was appraised at $536,000. Looking for advise. thanks in advance
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