My boyfriend was arrested on 12/24/2017 and charged with over 1g and under 4g. He has been in there for a little over 120 days. He is also being held on a parole hold or "blue warrant" that has been active since 8/26/2016. After 120 days he still has not been indicted for the recent charges and parole says they can't proceed with the violation charges until the county case has been resolved. He has only seen his lawyer once and that was no help. My question is HOW DO YOU INVOKE RIGHTS TO A SPEEDY TRIAL AND HOW LONG CAN THEY HOLD YOU IN COUNTY JAIL W/O OUT A INDICTMENT IF YOU ARE ALSO BEING HELD ON A BLUE WARRENT?
If he is a parolee he can be held based on his prior conviction. The rules are different than if he was Joe Citizen with a crystal clear record.
Also, you say he was already charged with a new offense. That means to me he has already had an appearance in court where he (or his attorney) most likely waived his right to a quick trial. That is incredibly common.
He needs to talk to his attorney to get answers.
I don't know (and don't feel like looking it up) whether the crime mentioned is a misdemeanor or a felony. However, if he was both arrested and charged (as you told us has happened), then he either was indicted or the prosecutor charged him by filing an information.
As mentioned, he needs to confer with his defense attorney, but it might be time for you to dump the drug criminal and find a boyfriend who's not a loser.