how long do I have to hold their stuff?

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New Member
I had two roommates temporarily living with me on a week to week lease. At the end of the second week, they still had not paid any rent and had broken our verbal agreement numerous ways . I gave them a week notice and in relatiation they stole $3000 worth of electronics from my household (but it's not what you know, it's what you can prove :mad: ) Anyways, they became very hostle to me and I was able to obtain an order of protection. Now I'm stuck with all of their stuff (they sent someone to get a TV 3 nights later) and they still owe $300 in rent (not including what they stole). What are my rights here? How long do I have to hold their stuff? I have no way of contacting either person.
i had a friend evic some deadbeats from his house and he just threw all their crap in the garbage.

BTW not leagal advice.

Good luck. people on here are genuises they will know what u can leagally do.
Don't throw it away, then can sue you for the value.

Since you have an RO then you should try to contact a 3rd party to come get their stuff. I would say if after 30 days they have not sent anyone to retreive it you.

You will probably have to sue them for rent, you cannot hold their belongings in exchange for being paid.
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