Was in my daughters car got 2nd DUI with hit and run car hit fence then I left it on side of road when my daughter found out she called the police and told them I was drinking I know I was not drunk when the acciden happend she was angry came home thats when i drank at home cops came 1 hour latter or longer charged me BA above .2 What's going to happen very worried.1st DUI in 07
You will lose.
No way you can win.
You can try to minimize the damage and pain by shutting up, stop explaining, and lawyering up!!!!
If a dummy like me doesn't believe your story, neither will a judge and jury in California.
You need to appear in court, plead not guilty, request a public defender, stop explaining, and wait.
Your actions will cripple you financially for years.
I suggest you start today rebuilding things.
Jail isn't likely to be in the picture, this time.
You'll wish you could do five or six days in jail before this is over.
You'll lose your drivers license, you will find insurance extremely expensive, and the state of California will kill you with fees, fines, and penalties.
Hundreds of hours of community service, maybe picking up trash along the road side, or sorting garbage for recycling, is in your future.