Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI How long should it take to resolve a case from start to finish?

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My question involves criminal law for the state of: Louisiana

On Wednesday, July 31, I had a beer and a drink with dinner. I finished dinner around 9:30-9:45. I went to pick up a friend down the street at a bar called the Bulldog. When I arrived, I got a text from her telling me that she would meet me at home. At that point, I turned around and left. I had no drink. I left the bar to head home, but was pulled over about a block or two away from the bar. As a result, I was arrested and charged with a 2nd offense. I had to resign from the fire dept because I was a recruit. I have been working extremely hard to get this opportunity, but now I am lost and depressed. The fire dept has told me that I will be rehired for the next class, as long as this is not pending when they plan to hire (likely around Jan or February). My arraignment is 9/30. Is it realistic or possible to have this resolved by then? What can I do to help my chances? The bartender at the bar/restaurant has agreed to testify on my behalf. I can pull surveillance tapes from the other bar which I entered and immediately exited. This is my life. I am worried about not getting this opportunity again. Please advise.
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