Criminal Records, Expungement How much is expungment

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all they told is to get a lawyer.... then they just kick me out...

Of course they did, this is Amerika.

-Who is telling you this?
-Do they have a law degree to give out legal advice?

You have a constitutional right to represent yourself. I could provide several court cites if you like.

This is why you need witness's with you ( 1 or 2 would work) anytime you deal with public servants. They lie, provide tons of mis-information, and so on. Only a fool would trust a public servant. When someone like the clerk of court tell you "you have to have a lawyer", have those witness's make out an affidavid, and you as well. Give the name of the person, place, time and what he/she said.

Public servants are not the sharpest tools in the shed, and should never be used for any kind of legal advice.

In my home town, the local sheriff, who I drug through the courts a couple of years ago, is famouse for this. He'll sit there and tell you what the law is all the time. The problem is, he's such a damn fool, he never gets it right. And here again, this peace of crap isn't qualified to give out any kind of legal advice.

Why do public servants do this? Probably to feel important. Most work for government because the real world wouldn't give them a job. Another reason they may tell someone to get a lawyer, is simply MONEY. The entire US and all fifty states no longer have any system of justice, it's all about money. Think about it: How is it a crime, if there is no victim? The jails make MONEY by putting you in them, Prison, same way, courts make money by running you threw the scam, lawyers, well that's all they know, money.

IF you want, you can pm me your email, I can send you all the expungement forms you will need for court, and help you if you have any questions. The law for the state is up to you to find. You could go down to the local city attny office, and request a copy of all of the law pertaining to expungement for that state. They will probably charge a small fee, maybe not.

If the state you are in has no expungement, you will have to file in Federal Court, but the process is very close to the state action.
actually i talked to the clerk, the judge, the police shieff in my school... they all told me get a lawyer

sound like you have a lot of anger for this country... i dont see it is that bad... but what did they do to you?
You don't NEED a lawyer. Two people need lawyers, 1-incompetent, and 2-underage persons.

YOu should be angry yourself for the crap they are shoveling your way. Sure, they want you to go PAY for a lawyer, so he can file a bunch of crap that is just costing you more MONEY, and feeds the system. And in the end, you won't get any expungement.

Go to, type in "(your state)" expungement. You can probably find a group that can do this for you, for very little money.

It's a simple process. Most lawyers don't know how to go about a correct expungement to begin with. Also, the judge wants to do it his way, and if you have one of his partners in crime, aka lawyer, then they don't have to follow procedure. If you do your paper work correctly, and haven't done anything wrong, you should easily get what you are asking for.
actually i talked to the clerk, the judge, the police shieff in my school... they all told me get a lawyer

sound like you have a lot of anger for this country... i dont see it is that bad... but what did they do to you?

If I were you, I would look into a Federal Action against the above conspirators, maybe even call the FBI on this one. Is that judge practicing law from the bench? Does the clerk, sheriff, police have a law degree and can give legal advice? Has anyone shown you a law that says that you have to have a lawyer? Extortion, denial of access to the courts, and so on are crimes, and you can file a criminal charge with a US Magistrate, I would.

Ask them when they tell you that, ask if they have read the constitution. When they say "yes", then ask if they took an oath to uphold that same constitution.
that would be too much... i dont want to make a big mess.
well i will just get it expunged. please send the form to my email.
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