How much jailtime am I gonna have to do?

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New Member
Well, I have no license(never took the test)Gotta permit though but that doesnt matter now. Been driving for 2 years without one. For the first time I finally get pulled over For no seatbelts He slaps me with a no seatbelt ticket/no proof of registration or insurance/misdemeaner. But was nice enough to not tow my moms car, or arrest me The car actually has insurance, I just didnt have it in the car. Im 22 years old. So when I go to court next month what should I expect? Jailtime? Fine? Both? Comminuty service? Should I get a lawyer? By the way I never EVER have been in trouble with the law. This will be a first offense. Can I get off easy? WHats the worst and least that could happen to me?
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