How much to ask for????

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In researching how the amount of alimony is computed in Colorado, all I could find was a formula to use if the combined income of both spouses is less than $75,000. I do not work, but my spouse does. He makes more than $75,000. How is alimony computed for incomes over $75,000?

Why do you think you are eligible for alimony?
I left a cozy job and my family to marry a military guy. After we got married, he was gone for ten months, home for four months, and then gone for a one-year deployment. We have moved three times in the five years we have been married. I've gotten jobs here and there, but nothing professional because we've never stayed anywhere long enough to move up in a job.

I'm going to be moving back home. I'm sure that in a fairly short amount of time (six months or so) I will be able to get a decent paying job and support myself. I'd just like some support to help me out until that happens. I can't even get an apartment when I move because I won't have a job immediately. I'd like to have court ordered support so I can at least put a roof over my head while I look for a job.
How long have you been married for? Unless you were married for 10 years, any alimony you get, if any at all, will be for an extremely limited amount of time. It is in your best interest to find suitable employment and not to depend on alimony. An attorney will give you an idea what you might be able to get.
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