how to check the current status of debt

ummm... so, my only option now is to declare bankruptcy?

I'm at a loss as to how you reached that conclusion from what I wrote. I didn't even go so far as to "suggest[] [that] you consult with a bankruptcy attorney" (quoting "PayrollHRGuy"). What I wrote was that you "you might consider consulting with a bankruptcy attorney." Heck...for all I know, $100k might be something for which you could easily scratch off a check today, which, if true, would make consulting with a BK attorney pointless.

Here are your basic options (not all of which are mutually exclusive):

1. Do nothing and see what happens.
2. Run and hide.
3. Hire a lawyer to review the situation and advise you.
4. Pay the judgment in full.
5. Try to negotiate a reduced lump-sum settlement or a payment plan.
6. File bankruptcy.
I have no house or any assets yet. Nevertheless, It is odd that they have not made any attempts to seize my paychecks or tried to contact me personally. I have been working and getting paid for about 6 months now, and they could have gathered from my credit report that I am paying my rents for over a year now...
I have no house or any assets yet. Nevertheless, It is odd that they have not made any attempts to seize my paychecks or tried to contact me personally. I have been working and getting paid for about 6 months now, and they could have gathered from my credit report that I am paying my rents for over a year now...

The USA is a very nice country.

That said, there are at least 48 other equally nice countries too!

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