Hi, I recently filed a law suit against a car dealership in Colorado, and was granted a judgment in my favour, because the defendants did not show up to court. We went back to the court a few days after the hearing and were given papers called "Interrogatories" to be served to the defendant. I am prepapring to have the Interrogatories served on April 1, however, I'm still unclear as to how I will receive my money. The court refused to give me an order of the judgment, stating that when the defendant was served with the initial papers to appear in court, the disputed amount was on the summons and since they did not show up, essentially they know that they owe the sum sued for. My question is this, after serving the defendant with the Interrogatories what happens next, could they send me a check with the judgment amount paid in full? Or is there other paper work that I need to serve in addition to the Interrogatories? This is my first experience ever dealing with a law suit and I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on what I need to do now.