How to collect interest on deliquent Child Support in the state of Missouri?

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New Member
I have pulled up Missouri Statute / Chapter 454 / Section 454.520. (which I have attached)

It states that it is my responsiblity to gather all the information detailing the total interest claimed to be owed to me and presented to the Circuit Clerk at my county courthouse.

No one seems to know anything. Not the prosecuting attorney, child support enforcement.. no one. I cannot afford an attorney and don't mind doing the work myself. I have it computed now. But I don't know if this would be considered a civil matter. Or if it is a family court matter. I know the interest is only approved once the courts determine so. But how to get from point A to point B, I am confused.

I just need to know how to file. Where to file. If it is a civil matter. A family court matter.

Anyone been through this before? If so, please help!!! Any information on how to tackle this would be so appreciated. I am trying to fight for my kids and not getting anywhere. At this point, I've pretty much self-educated myself on the law. I have no choice. But am stuck, I have a Trial date for Modification of Child Support on March 28th and would like to file it with the courts before.

Thanks so much!!
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