This order was entered on default based on presumed income, however defendant has no income and no ability to pay. Also, court entered default child support against defendant for not complying with a dna test on a child, yet court continues to say that child has no known father.
The child support meter keeps ticking even if the parent is flat broke, unemployed, in prison, hiding in a secret location, sitting in a castle somewhere in France, living in a tent on a mountaintop, in the navy, sailing on a yacht, etc...
The parent might not pay, but the child support collectors will pursue said parent even if she/he dies.
They'll confiscate lottery winnings, tax refunds, paychecks, whatever funds might come her/his way.
If the debt isn't paid, it just keeps growing, along with fees, interests, etc...
If the purported Poppa wants to get the child support collectors off his back and out of his pocket, why not take the damn DNA test?
If dude ain't the pappy, once its proven he'll be very happy!!!