How to determine what is left to me in will/trust?

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New Member
My grandmother passed away in May (2013) and I would like to figure out what she left to me in her will or trust and claim it. She owned a house and lived in Ipswich, MA. My grandfather died before her and she had two daughters: my mom (died in 2000) and my aunt (who is likely handling these affairs). There are also 4 grandchildren (obviously I am one of them). I haven't been in touch with my family in 2 years and I am unsure about how to proceed with this.
You can contact the probate court in the county where your grandmother lived/died and see whether there is a will on file. The court clerk should be able to track the will by date of death and name. They are public records. It "should have" been filed/submitted for probate with the court by the executor if there was a will.

If she had a will or trust & you were in it, you should have been contacted by the person handling distribution.
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