how to do a proper legal document

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New Member
I am in the process of sending a "First Request for Production of Documents," a "first Request for Admissions," and a "First set of Interrogatories" to an attorney representing a Debt Collector that is suing me for an old debt. My question is this:
At the top of the documents should it say Plaintiff (them) vs. Defendant (me), like they sent documents to me? Or should I reverse it and say Defendant (me) vs. Plaintiff (them)?

If someone could get back to me asap on this, I would greatly appreciate it.
thank you,
Thanks for nothing!!!! When someone asks a legitimate don't even want to help. WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS !!!!!!!
This site is manned by volunteers. We are not paid and we have real jobs and real lives. Furthermore not everyone here has same backgrounds and perhaps the people that could have answered your question have not visited site or seen this thread. Your rudeness wil only reduce chances of getting your answer
Thanks for nothing!!!! When someone asks a legitimate don't even want to help. WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS !!!!!!!
If you need immediate answers on managing your case then why not hire a lawyer? There are thousands of posts and not every one can be answered immediately.

If you'd have bothered to look at other examples of court filings, you'd easily be able to tell that the caption remains the same (Plaintiff v. Defendant) and the only thing that changes is the title on the right which explains what the papers are, e.g. Complaint, Reply, etc.

In the future, you'd do best providing much more courtesy. It would be amusing to watch from the sidelines how a judge might handle the above outburst - if you know what I mean...
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