How to file a motion in Allegheny county for child custody

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I am going pro se due to my funds running out with my previous lawyer. The ex wife has a big attorney. I filed for my shared legal custody and partial physical custody a week ago. They didnt give me a court date, they gave me a mediation date, I already know this will not be useful and she will never agree, so I have to wait until I see a hearing officer before I can have my custody time if I go this route it could be 6 months until that happens. How do I file a motion to have some custody until that court date? Im asking for every other weekend and some holidays. I really want to have time with my child through the holidays. Thank you.
I am going pro se due to my funds running out with my previous lawyer. The ex wife has a big attorney. I filed for my shared legal custody and partial physical custody a week ago. They didnt give me a court date, they gave me a mediation date, I already know this will not be useful and she will never agree, so I have to wait until I see a hearing officer before I can have my custody time if I go this route it could be 6 months until that happens. How do I file a motion to have some custody until that court date? Im asking for every other weekend and some holidays. I really want to have time with my child through the holidays. Thank you.

I suggest you speak with her and strive to reach a compromise. Negotiating is far quicker, cheaper, and easier than going to court.

If you filed today, you wouldn't likely be heard until sometime in January or February.

HINT: Try to negotiate, be nice, give something to get something. Convince her that you both should do what is best for the child.

As far as a lawsuit for custody, Google "pro se custody in Allegheny County".

Most court websites provide documents you can download. There are also websites that sell documents to initiate these lawsuits. The cost is minimal ($10-50).

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She has already told me she wont compromise and I really just need a band aid fix until we get seen by a judge so I have some time with my daughter, how can I do that?
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