I would like advice about making a medical accident claim because I am sure my injuries were caused because the surgeon that performed by operation used the wrong instruments, how do I start pursuing a claim for the compensation I believe I am entitled to? My injuries are quite significant and I still have difficulty using the like that was operated on, how much compensation will I receive if I am able to start making a compensation claim?
In the UK, it is not impossible to sue your NHS.
I've read about many attempts, very few real successes.
In fact, the NHS advises citizens just how to complain about a situation, and even admins he's them to speak to a solicitor.
God, I love your Queen, what a model of a sophisticated, charming, leader.
Sorry, I digress, because your Queen, and the beloved, belated Queen Mum, too; were great symbols of royalty.
Anyway, I suggest you speak with a few local solicitors, and discuss your options.
The NHS does have a website.
You Brits, I do like you, I do.
I'd move their but for three things: NHS, taxes, weather, LOL.
The NHS discusses this very topic, and advises how to lodge such complaints, and initiate legal action.
This is their site:
All in all, I found it to be a very interesting read, enjoy and educate yourself.