How to fix it?

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Let's say, Alice filed for Domestic Violence Protection Order; and court issued it against Bob. Then, Bob has to leave the shared residence (if included in the order).

Assume Bob is the only working professional whose income qualified to get the rental property (shared residence).

Now, if Bob wants to exit the rental property, Rental property says they can do that only if Alice income qualifies for the payment of rent. That doesn't happen as Alice isn't working. Other option for Bob to exit lease is to submit a notice to end the lease which requires consent from Alice.

After the current yearly rental agreement ends, it rolls over to month-to-month lease, but the situation remains the same for Bob.

So, the law allows Alice to stay in the rental apartment for life without paying any rent; i.e. fully paid by Bob. It appears, the only way out for Bob is either Alice earns an income that qualifies for the rental property or Alice consents to vacate the apartment.

My question is - Does Bob not paying the rent constitutes violation of DVPO? If not, isn't this unfair to allow non-working spouse to ride along on working spouse money for eternity; and shouldn't there be a middle ground; or at least a provision in law allowing the paying party to seek a middle ground? Seeking divorce and getting temporary orders is not an option as both are non-US citizens; and US divorce decree has no validity in home country.
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Bob, please stop starting new threads on the same Domestic Violence situation. You don't need a new thread for every question...just add all questions to the first thread you made.
Bob, please stop starting new threads on the same Domestic Violence situation. You don't need a new thread for every question...just add all questions to the first thread you made.

My apologies, I'll add this question in there. Thank you.
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