How to force Alimony Payment with Proof of new income?

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Alimony payer is paying 1/3 of court decreed alimony due to supported spouse, claiming the recession is effecting his income, and health issues, such as hearing loss, that effect his ability to create income (he has his own business which involves sales, claims health problems and lack of current skills for the marketplace prevent him from finding more work to supplement income). This is not enough to pay rent and groceries even with supported spouse working to the best of her opportunity (note: she has already moved into subsided living, so she is not asking for unreasonable amount). Alimony payer has an investment account from before the divorce that has since more than doubled in amount due to son-in-laws account handling, which he did specifically to create wealth to be provided to supported spouse, otherwise, son-in-law and daughter would be the only other family members able to support supported spouse, which they do not have the means to do either. So, son-in-law called alimony payer and requested that he use part or all of the proceeds to make back pay of alimony due, and son-in-law would continue to account handle and grow the account in the future. Alimony payer refused, stating he had no idea until a few days ago that the account has so much money in it now, and he needs that money to survive himself.

Question is: Can we take this information to the courts in a timely manner, ie. before he spends all the money or hides it, and force him to pay supported spouse the back pay of alimony? Or can he just go in there and plead that he would be homeless without it, blah blah blah - which is more pressing for supported spouse that has an apartment that must be paid each month. He got the house.

Notes: Marriage was over 35 years. Alimony payer cheated entire time of marriage - reason for divorce. Court ordered alimony at time of divorce until death of either party.

Thanks in advance for TIMELY responses. Again, we are afraid he will run with this money we have earned him.
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Sounds like the payee needs to file for contempt. She will not accomplish anything without going to court. Does she have an attorney?
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