how to get a fresh start

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New Member
Hello, my name is dee dee. I currently reside in Bronx, ny. I used to be on public assistance and section 8. I am no longer on either. I am now a registered nurse. I am looking for an apartment but I am told that if I have ever had landlord tenant issues I will have a hard time finding an apartment because landlords dont care whether you were at fault or not. I have never been evicted. The problem was always the management office just never listened to me when I told them that they were wrong with their calculations. They never cared to re check it out and I was always told it will be straighted out in court. i even have a detailed stipulation from the landlord lawyer who was furious because he knew i didnt belong there. My question is how wi I be able to remove these records. Or how do I get a fresh start since I have never paid my own rent during these times.
Records? What records? The only record you should be concerend about is if any previous Landlord evicted you. Other than that ther eis no record unless a potential Landlord contact previous landlord
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