How to get CSE agency to help

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I have been divorced for 3 years. I deviated down to $250.00 per month for 2 children but included in our divorce decree that he was to pay 50% of the tuition/fees/ extra curricular activities/tutoring/unpaid medical dental. He was also suppose to provide secondary medical insurance. He is very inconsistent about paying support, has paid nothing to me as far as the 50% of the other. The CSE agency sends him letters, however, he will tell them anything ie: I'm not working right now. I know he is. He gets paid " under the table " alot and therfore CSE agency can't track it. They will not enforce the other part of the decree stating he has to pay 50% of the above stated. They say I will have to take him back to court. I do not qualify for legal aid and can not afford a lawyer.What help can I get with this and how do I go about getting CSE agency to at least enfoce the $250.00/month order. He is now over 1year behind.
Please give me some advise!!
You do not need an attorney to file contempt charges, but it helps. You need to know what you are doing. Go down to the court and see about filing contempt charges. Because he is not working is not acceptable. He must pay his support. You can also sue him in small claims court, but that has a maximum amount of either $2500 or $5000 depending on your state.

You also might want to contact maybe a nearby law school, see if they have someone that can help.
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