How to get out a lease??? And save my life?

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okay this is my situation:

I'm almost 20 years old and my gf is due to have my baby sometime in late January. We just moved back with her mother who hates me with a passion, not because of the baby thing, just because she can. We signed a 1 year lease agreement. I'm under a lot of stress right now with being unemployed, here mother, baby on the way,and heart problems. . . Yes, heart problems. Doctors have told me that is I can lose some of the strss it will oly make heart problems worse. The only logical solution I can think of is moving out. Her mother has no issues with me leaving, but I don't want to leave my gf and the baby because thats not the kind of person I am. The lease is the only thing olding my gf from coming with me to live somewhere else. I don't currently have a copy of the lease and I do relise that is something I will need if legal action is needed. What can I do the break the lease without costing an arm and leg and what rights do I have if any. Any hep would be great. Thanks so much.

You can't break the lease just because you want to. You signed a one year lease (and it's a bit confusing; did you sign this with the mother as a landlord) and you are obligated to continue on with this year lease.

Breaking the lease means your landlord can take you to court and sue you for the remaining lease months until the unit can be rerented again. Such a court judgement will remain on your credit history and could haunt you for a very, very long time.

BTW, if you're unemployed who is paying the rent?

my gf mother isn't the landload, just fyi. The way rent is payed is her mom pays half and me and gf pay the other half. Now I know after I say this I'm gong to get a lot of nasty emails, but right now my gf is the really the only oe brining in the money right now. Though I do odd job to bring something in. Its not really much but its better then none right now.
Time to get a full time job; your girlfriends mother will probably like you better if she doesn't see you as someone who isn't pulling his share of the load, especially with the girlfriend pregnant.

As tempting as it is to pull up and run away, you decided to play adult by making a baby and it's time to take your adult responsibilities seriously. This means you don't run out of a legal rental contract, leaving the mother without someone to share the rent and messing up the credit of both you and the girlfriend.

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