How to know if your lawyer is overcharging you?

Michael Wechsler

Staff member
He/she sends you a bill?

I was amused seeing this headline on the front page of today's New York Post - How to know if your lawyer is overcharging you.

Apparently lawyers are on the short list of professions most likely to overcharge. I'm sure comments are forthcoming about the medical profession. While it's a short piece, the quotable quote is:

"There is potentially 10 percent to 30 percent chance of legal bills for overcharging or over-inflation of hours disguised as blocks analyzing this or focusing on that."
He/she sends you a bill?

That's the joke part. You beat me to it.

It's like how do you know a car dealer (or politician) is lying? His lips move.

I'm sure comments are forthcoming about the medical profession.

The medical profession could teach lawyers a thing or two about billing. ;)

Apparently lawyers are on the short list of professions most likely to overcharge.

Contractors should be at the top of that list. Many will rely on naïve homeowners not getting competitive bids.
We shouldn't overlook colleges, universities, and hospitals.

While I'm at it, I would be remiss to forget governments, in all of it's forms, appearances, and presentations (local, county, state, and federal).

I often ask why people carp about a merchant increasing the price of an item by a dime, yet never mentioning the fact that governments tax the purchase from anywhere to 5% or 15% of of it's value.

The most voracious thief is often the one that says its regulating and policing other thieves.

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