Criminal Records, Expungement how to write a letter to a DA

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New Member
Hello, I was arrested but not guilted, I was toll to write a letter to a Distric Attorney to clear my record, can you help me to do it or find some samples about it. Thanks
If you were arrested and think you are NOT GUILTY, do NOT write a letter to the district attorney.

Do not make a statement about this to anyone, but YOUR defense attorney.

If you can't afford an attorney, ask the court to appoint one for you.

Speak about this to NO ONE, but your attorney.

Write about this to NO ONE, especially NOT the district attorney!!

You have the right to remain silent.

Please, for your sake, USE IT!
The next time you appear in court,tell the judge you cant afford an attorney.
If you can afford one,then get one.

Def listen the RED BOLD PRINT ABOVE dont talk to anyone else!
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