How would I go about moving in with my sister without Parental consent?

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I am 16 years old and my sisters are 22 and 24. My dad in the past has been very physically abusive and is now very verbally abusive, and will threaten me to "knock some sense into me" or "send me into the hospital so I need plastic surgury to fix your face". I am responsible, I am more than capable and currently trying to get a job. How would I go about being able to move in with one of my sisters? They might need help somehow for supporting me, but if thats not possible, then I can definetly use whatever money I make at my job to help out. My dad also occasionally smokes weed, and drinks on a regular basis. He kicked both of my sisters out at age 17. How can I move in with one of my sisters until I am 18 or things get better at home without consent from neither my mom nor dad?
You cannot move without permission from your legal guardian/s.

If you are being abused, you need to call CPS/equivalent or 911. Talk to your guidance counselors at school - they are mandated reporters.
i second the response above, cps is a childs best friend. There will be some investigating, and the can temporarily remove you from the home based off of what you are saying, although immediate family is an option, CPS will do a home study on where your sisters are staying to determine if that would be a good place for you to be. So just call CPS sweetie, they would probably be the number one people that can help you. I wouldnt reccomend calling 911 unless someone has physically done something to you
I have considered that before, But calling CPS would probably break off all ties I have with my mother, in one form or another. My mom is my best friend and I would never want to do anything to hurt her, which is why Im wondering if theres something I can do legally to make one of my sisters my guardians or something.
... which is why Im wondering if theres something I can do legally to make one of my sisters my guardians or something.

EXTREMELY unlikely. Base on what you are saying here I would estimate you have about a 0% chance. You were given good advice above. Utilize the resources available to you. If you leave on your own without permission you can be reported as a runaway which opens a new can of worms and pretty much destroys any chance of earning the freedom you want.

Just tonight I took a missing juvenile report that I decided is the last straw... 16 year old kid keeps taking off against mom's wishes. I have a big stack of paper for every time mom calls and reports this and other problems. I am now sending that big stack of paper to probation and social services and they will consider foster placement or a group home. You don't want that. Don't burn your bridges. This is the only family you have.
You have the wrong idea - the last thing CPS would try to do is cut you off from your mother. Their first responsibility is to your safety - beyond that their concern is keeping family members in contact, not cutting them off from each other. It's just as likely that your Dad would be removed from the home as it is that you would be, and if you were, you would absolutely not be forced to cut ties with your mother. I don't know where you got that idea but it's absolutely wrong.
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