Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Hows This Work Exactly?

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Okay Last Feb. I Was Arrested For Distribution Of Crystal Methanphetamines Charges, Today Was The Beginning Of Our Trial, Someone Poisoned The Jury, They Didnt Declare A MisTrial, The Charges Were Dismissed....
And Then The Judge Told Me I Was Still Out On Bond, And That I Had A New Arraignment December 5, On New Charges That I Have Not Been Arrested For? Is This Legal. I Have Never Personally Heard Of A Court System Doing This... Any && All Help Will Be Totally Appreciated.
C. Culp

The charges were probably dismissed with prejudice.

That means you're going to either be indicted again, or arrested on the original warrant.

You weren't convicted, so double jeopardy hasn't attached.

If you know anything about that jury incident, I suggest you remain silent.

If you don't, same advice.

So, wait and be patient.

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open.

Do not discuss your case with anyone.

Lots of snitches out there, lots of rats and cheese eaters!

If you're arrested, invoke your right to remain silent, ask for a lawyer, and plead not guilty!

Speak to no one but your lawyer.
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