HR &t FMLA DR.s certification

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Hi, everyone. Went to Primary Doctor for possible Myasthenia Gravis ( Neuromusclar Disease ) after having Ptsosis, severe fatigue & other Neuromusclar problems. He referred to a Neurologist who is doing further tests. Primary doctor gave excuse for " not to operate equipment at work" for at least 2 weeks while I see Neurologist. Employer sent me home saying I can't work with any restrictions. They have another employee on "light duty" with his Worker's Comp. at this time. Neurologist wrote me an excuse to take a month off because of my condition & all the tests I need done (MRI, CT scans, SFEMG etc.). Employer needs FMLA paperwork filled out, but Neurologist's office says they will not fill them out. Primary doctor said he'll fill them out, but HR says the Neurologist is the only one who can fill them out. Called Neurologist's office & they said they will not fill them out. Hr says I'll be terminated if FMLA isn't filled out by the Neurologist. Anyone have a suggestion as what I should do at this time? Thanks everyone
Explain the critical nature of your dilemma to the neurologist and see if he or she will help. Otherwise, see if your primary can intercede and get the neurologist to help.

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Every time I've called they won't give me a reason. All they say is he (the Neurologist) doesn't fill out FMLA papers. Seems kind of fishy to me when he's the one that
wrote me an excuse to take a month off for all the test. Could it be the receptionist is just denying it. When I dropped off the paperwork the Neurologist wasn't there because he has other offices and she said I don't know if he'll fill them out. Then when I called back a few days later and asked if he filled out the paperwork she said he don't fill out FMLA. I did call a lawyer today which he'll call me Monday and maybe look into it. What's also weird is HR took 2 weeks to give me the papers. They kept saying they mailed them out already, I'd call them up asking if I can just go there and pick them up. They kept telling no, we'll mail you another copy. Finally had to go there and pretty much make them print them out for me. I can't wait to see what the lawyer has to say about all of this.
Thanks everyone, just called a lawyer today who says he'll call me Monday so maybe he can help me straighten everything out. Also have a SFEMG Monday morning also.
If your primary isn't actually treating you, then no, they may not complete the forms. They aren't the doctor taking you off work. If the neuro won't complete paperwork to take you off work, I would ask if you really need to be off full time. Your employer does not have to approve leave on your word if a doctor won't back it up. It is entirely legal and fairly common practice to offer light duty to those who are out on WC injuries but not those with other unrelated ailments.
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