Huge Mistake, needing help!

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Okay, I know what i did is wrong, and I'm trying to right my wrong, but I'm only looking for legal advice. I used pictures of another guy on myspace, and yahoo and met a girl. Me and this girl began "dating" and during our course of dating she gave me a very small sum of money. something like 400 dollars. She found out the truth that I'm not this person and now she is claiming that she's getting an arrest warrant out on me. She knows my real name, and general locati She said she has more than enough proof from the emails, text messages, and IM messages that a detective told her they could issue a warrant. We are not in the same state either. can you she really get a warrant against me? Ive agreed to pay and she's going to hand write and sign a note I paid. Is this legal? What are my rights?

I've agreed to pay her back all of it. The issue of paying her back isnt what I'm talking about. I'm asking can she legally get a warrant against me? I've heard mixed things on this. I'm trying to fix my mistake I made. She agreed not to press charges if I paid her, but I'm asking could she honestly even press charges? and if so what kind of charges would I even be looking at
. . . errr.. . . what do you mean by "dating?"

How do you not know the exact amount she gave you?

. . . It sounds to me like you committed fraud. Are you looking for a way out of paying her back?

Need more information, as far as criminal goes, I guess, to know the circumstances she "gave" you the money. More lies?

WHAT YOU DID IS BAD! don't do it again! BAD!
No! I'm going to repay her completely. I'm just curious if she has a legal leg to stand on with the whole warrant for my arrest thing. What I did was terrible, and I have every intention of repaying her. It was only 400.00 dollars, so yes I'm going to repay her completely. I'm just asking what are MY rights. I will never do it again ever. Huge mistake. I just need to know what my rights are and how I can assure she doesnt come after me in the future. She agreed to hand write out that I paid her and everything and scan and email it to me. Is this enough to put it behind me?
. . . errr.. . . what do you mean by "dating?"

How do you not know the exact amount she gave you?

. . . It sounds to me like you committed fraud. Are you looking for a way out of paying her back?

Need more information, as far as criminal goes, I guess, to know the circumstances she "gave" you the money. More lies?

WHAT YOU DID IS BAD! don't do it again! BAD!

No, I'm planning on paying her back completely. It was 400.00. I'm paying her back. She agreed to sign a paper saying i paid her in full and that she wouldn't pursue this further in the future. Is this legal? She refuses to actually sign it, but she said she would write her name out and put her initials. I will never do this again. Huge mistake. I'm trying to fix what I did, but I also want to make sure I don't have problems down the road after i've paid. I just want to know what my rights are.
The problem is you left out the most important details. What were the terms of her giving you that money? Why did she? Was it a loan? Etc, etc. That's the part we need to know in order to answer your question.
She gave it to me to pay for something I told her I was paying for, which I didn't use for that purpose at all. I used for something else entirely, but it wasn't anything like a loan or anything like that. She gifted it to me, but now that she knows the truth about who I am, etc., she's wanting the money back or she's going to issue a warrant against me. I'm going to pay her back, because I hate the drama, but can she even really issue a warrant for me? What are my rights in this situation?

What did you tell her you needed the money for? Is it fraud, or is it a "gift."

Did you say "I need the money, or I'm going to go blind. I need it for medicine, etc."

or did you say

"Hey, I really enjoy gambling, and I'm a bit low. Gimme $400 for roulette."

If you don't answer this time, I'm won't visit this thread again.
I said I needed the money to pay for custody papers. She said she would give it to me and asked several times. I finally agreed to let her. I did not use it for that purpose. I used it to pay bills, etc. I'm sorry I'm new here and trying to answer your questions.
It's a difficult case out of my league. . . I mean, there's the fraud of what you told her in regards to why you need the money, and then there's the false representation of who you are, and how that impacted her wishing to "give" you the money. . .

I do suspect that if you pay it back, then everything is over and done with.
So, if I pay her back and she writes out and signs that I paid her in full and she wouldn't press the issue further, would this hold up in court? I mean if she did try in the future.
It seems it may not be a valid contract, due to consideration. . . in fact some may argue that by paying her back, you are giving evidence of your guilt. . .

again, OUT of my league. I recommend you contact a criminal defense attorney and ask them, most would do so for free, but this case is complicated. . .

Best of Luck.
I've already admitted my guilt. Once she found out I told her the truth about everything. I have every intention of paying her back. I know you said to contact a criminal defense attorney but I've already admitted to my guilt, so paying her back and getting her to write all that out, would not be legal?
As long as you pay the money back, you should be fine.

She gave you the money outright. It is true that you misrepresnted the use of the money, so that could be considered fraud. However, I'm assuming that the two of you are not in the same area. Once you've paid the money back it would be unlikely that any law enforcment agency would bother, let alone now they have to get another involved. Besides, she would have prove that you didn't use the money for the purpose you stated.

The fact that you misrepresnted YOURSELF is actually irrelivant. What would matter for fraud is did you misrepresnt what you were going to use the money for. You did, but again, she would have to proove it.

I think she's lying to you to scare you into paying. This would be something that would more likely be handled in small claims court. But if you pay, then she has nothing to sue for. So pay her back, make sure you have a receipt where it was paid (paypal printout, etc) and let it be. You will probably never hear from her again.
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