Landlord wants to charge 100 bucks a MONTH {not just one time fee} to be on month to month. I have paid rent ON TIME for an entire year, and this seems totally unfair and wanted to transfer to month to month to give us more options. What difference is it to them whatever month we move out as long as we give 30 days notice. We already had credit check and more to move in. That was based on my credit too. This fee was never mentioned before. Everyone else I have rented and I paid my rent on time everywhere else I lived including a place I lived before here for almost 10 this type of fee even legit?
Husband is unemployed and I dont want to be trapped into a lease, there is a possiblity of seperation as well due to economic factors. I always pay rent first so they will get their money but this charge seems exorbinant...they raised the rest too by 40 dollars after just one year. The rents around here are high enough. {that means 150 bucks added to rent in one year if I go month to month!}
Husband is unemployed and I dont want to be trapped into a lease, there is a possiblity of seperation as well due to economic factors. I always pay rent first so they will get their money but this charge seems exorbinant...they raised the rest too by 40 dollars after just one year. The rents around here are high enough. {that means 150 bucks added to rent in one year if I go month to month!}