Hurt on the Job and need advice

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I work for a dump truck company that is sub-contracted out by a rock quarry. I was in the quarry waiting to be loaded, with my air brake on. When suddenly i was hit by one of the quarrys loaders. He hit me with the rear of his loader, very hard. I hit my head on a metal bar behind my head that prevents my seat from breaking the window behind me. i was in a daze, the guy is tell in "im gona lose my job are you ok". Anyway my boss came down and drove my truck back to the shop and a man in charge of Saftey at the quarry drove my bosses truck with me in it to the shop. Now i like my job, i like the people in it, i like the quarry people. I even like my boss!!! i need to work to support my family. Im afraid to do anything in fear of losing my job. My boss will fire me if i take action againts him... i am hurting bad and im gona go back to work cuz i dont know what to do....My neck and back was x-rayed and cat scaned and they saw alot of arthritis in my neck and my cat scan was negative. My neck and back hurt really bad, i have trouble looking out my mirrors, but i dont want anyone to know, in fear of losing my job ...they said stay home for 2 days then come back and see us.! This was a friday and my boss's wife was asking me if im gona work on monday? In a tone like i should be!!!she told me that they got a letter saying i could go back to work in 3 days if i wanted. So she wouldnt lie would she? So i went back to work that monday (barely) i hurt so bad. Then the clinic called me and asked me if i was comming back in ....?? the reason she is asking is she just talked to my employer and they were so unprofessional and so rude when she was talking to them that she felt she neededto call me. I told my employer what she told me and they hit the fan, and filed a suit against the clininc i guess i dont know, ... if you have any advice for me or if you want to hear more plz ask ...
-The DumpTrucker
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