Criminal Law Husband Arrested in Dubai

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I Husband left for Dubai, after a week of our marriage, two years back with valid visa and work permit, for a post of driver. Jan 2006 he was arrested in Mumbai airport for involvement in a theaft. However all other people are managed to escape. My husband is sent back to Dubai, and he is imprisoned for 15 years.
Can anyone suggest how we should go about this now. Is it possible for us to fight a case or hire a lawyer.
Seek counsel

You definitely need to seek counsel, one who is familar with the local laws and courts. Whether your husband has the same rights as he would have in the United States is unlikely. I would probably try the US Consulate located in Dubai for a referal. You may also try the Consulate office located nearest you in the United States for the United Arab Emerate for a referal to an attorney in Dubai.
I Husband left for Dubai, after a week of our marriage, two years back with valid visa and work permit, for a post of driver. Jan 2006 he was arrested in Mumbai airport for involvement in a theaft. However all other people are managed to escape. My husband is sent back to Dubai, and he is imprisoned for 15 years.
Can anyone suggest how we should go about this now. Is it possible for us to fight a case or hire a lawyer.
This is very serious. What nationality is he? Where have you two lived? What else can you tell us about why he is imprisioned for such a long period of time?

Honestly, I am unfamiliar with the laws in Dubai but if this is an international incident, then going to your consulate might provide some guidance and assistance.
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