husband struck by car

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My husband was struck from behind while on a construction site. He is a lineman and was picking up orange cones when a woman came through the site and hit him. She changed her story a couple of times when recalling the accident. His Supervisor caught her changing her story while the policewoman was taking her story. AMAZINGLY, she was not charged with anything which really has angered my husband. This was a posted work zone with signs, cones and the bucket truck ( which is very large) had the emergency flashers going. She struck him hard enough to knock him roughly 6ft away from the van but not before running over his foot and causing bruising to his left hip and elbow. He also received a nasty bump on his head from hitting the pavement. His hard hat flew off. He was transported to the local hospital by EMS and later released. He and his Supervisor are meeting with the local authorities that handled the accident today to discuss why this woman was not charged. Does he have a case for suing her? Do workers in work zones have no rights ?
I have been told that he can still sue without her being charged. I just wanted to make sure before we go to a lawyer. Thanks for any help.
Absolutely he can sue her! Criminal charges are no help or hurt for your civil claim. She is absolutely responsible for having hit him and any damage she might have caused.
My husband was struck from behind while on a construction site. He is a lineman and was picking up orange cones when a woman came through the site and hit him. She changed her story a couple of times when recalling the accident. His Supervisor caught her changing her story while the policewoman was taking her story. AMAZINGLY, she was not charged with anything which really has angered my husband. This was a posted work zone with signs, cones and the bucket truck ( which is very large) had the emergency flashers going. She struck him hard enough to knock him roughly 6ft away from the van but not before running over his foot and causing bruising to his left hip and elbow. He also received a nasty bump on his head from hitting the pavement. His hard hat flew off. He was transported to the local hospital by EMS and later released. He and his Supervisor are meeting with the local authorities that handled the accident today to discuss why this woman was not charged. Does he have a case for suing her? Do workers in work zones have no rights ?
I have been told that he can still sue without her being charged. I just wanted to make sure before we go to a lawyer. Thanks for any help.

Sue, sue, sue, unleash the fury of a justifiable lawsuit.

Who cares what lies she spews?

I hope you put a big dent in her bank account.

I also hope you husband makes a speedy recovery.

Tell him to take it slow, real slow and easy.

He's been severely battered and traumatized!
Thanks to you both for the advice. He is 52 and tough as nails but this did rattle him pretty bad. We were unsure if he could sue considering she was not charged and he wasn't severely injured.
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