I-140 Help

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had some questions regarding the I-140 form that needs to be filled out

Situation 1:
Fathers Name (if deceased, etc) My situation is not a simple one. My biological father passed away when I was 6 years old in India. My mother married my step father and we had a legal name change to my step dad's name. Since then I have been using his name everywhere. My passport also lists him as my father. Why this gets complicated is beacuse the form asks if I have ever used a different name, which I did till I was 6 years old. My birth certificate has my last name as my biological fathers last name & so does my moms name on my birth certificate. For this reason I have to mention my previous fathers information. My question is where it asks for fathers information, should I now suddenly change what I have been putting on US forms (H1, F1) from my step dad to my biological dad? The form also asks if my father is deceased. Please help me.

Also the Birth Certificate for myself & my wife is in an Indian language. who can translate it? since we can read & are proficient in the languge, can we translate it ourselves or do I need to find a 3rd person to translate it. If I need a 3rd person, can it be a family member or an outsider?.

Thanks for your help!
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Do not be alarmed fill in exactly what the form is asking you to do then send a letter with the form explaining the reason for the differences.

As for translations, I would not worry about that, as they are more than proficient in languages.

Take care

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