Back when i was 17 and 19 i was convicted of two felonies. Entering auto and burglary. Served my penance and moved on eventually grew up. I got married (9 yrs) and have two wonderful kids (girl 7 and boy 3). I am a
Very active and loving father and break my back sometimes two jobs to provide for my family. Point is I moved on with my liFe and did what i could two become a respectable man. I am 33 now and that person is long gone to me. Me and my wife got into a drag out fight making so much of a scene the neighbor called the cops and they showed up tazers out ready to take somebody down and they did. ME!! I received a distubing family peace charge and can deal with that but while in my house the cops searched my house and retrieved a pistol that i was holding for my brother while he was deployed over seas with the Air Force. Now i have a possession of weapon by convicted felon which was no surprise. (I know it was dumb for me to have now but like i said i have moved way past all that in my head but the paper work never changes.) They labeled me a "HABITUAL VIOLATOR" and are trying to lock me up in prison for 5 yrs!! How do i fight this?? I am not some drug dealing murdering child melosting rapist thug that belongs in prison. I need help and i am way to busy paying bills to be able to afford a high price attorney And my public defender is just trying to get me a good deal. Not trying to beat the possession charge just the habitual part because it carries a 1-10 sentence mandatory prison time. What do I do?!?! Scared.
Very active and loving father and break my back sometimes two jobs to provide for my family. Point is I moved on with my liFe and did what i could two become a respectable man. I am 33 now and that person is long gone to me. Me and my wife got into a drag out fight making so much of a scene the neighbor called the cops and they showed up tazers out ready to take somebody down and they did. ME!! I received a distubing family peace charge and can deal with that but while in my house the cops searched my house and retrieved a pistol that i was holding for my brother while he was deployed over seas with the Air Force. Now i have a possession of weapon by convicted felon which was no surprise. (I know it was dumb for me to have now but like i said i have moved way past all that in my head but the paper work never changes.) They labeled me a "HABITUAL VIOLATOR" and are trying to lock me up in prison for 5 yrs!! How do i fight this?? I am not some drug dealing murdering child melosting rapist thug that belongs in prison. I need help and i am way to busy paying bills to be able to afford a high price attorney And my public defender is just trying to get me a good deal. Not trying to beat the possession charge just the habitual part because it carries a 1-10 sentence mandatory prison time. What do I do?!?! Scared.