I am a minor that got married in the last year...

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New Member
My question is: Do I lose my emancipation if and when I divorce my husband?? And, can I still live somewhere other than my parents house??

To explain better, My mother is trying to blackmial me into staying with my husband but as I told her I have my reasons not to want to stay with him. I was married at 16 and now I am turnig 17. I would like to know if I lose my emancipation or not??
Were you emancipated by virtue of your marriage only?
That is to say, your parents had to give their consent for your marriage, right?
Thus, if you have a court order granting your emancipation, that remains in effect; even if you divorce.

If you divorce, you do not have to return home.
If you being abused or beaten, contact the police immediately.
They will get you help.
The person that is abusing you, should also go to jail.
Please, think of your safety!!!

Here is a website or two to review some information.
Than you so much for your help but I have another question, If I may aske:

Am I considered and Adult all over America or just in Florida? Can I move out of Florida while being emancipated or do I have to wait until I am 18?
You were emancipated to marry, with your parent's permission.

You do not possess a court order emancipating you.

If you had a court order proclaiming your emancipation, it should be honored in every US state and territory.

Sometimes, emancipated minors have trouble getting other states to honor them.

You might wish to speak with your local District Attorney's office for clarification, before you proceed.

But, you don't have to stay with someone, even if you are married to them.

You are free to leave at anytime and go anywhere.

You would still be emancipated by virtue of marriage.

Then, when you turn 18, you are an adult anyway.

At 18 you could seek a divorce, and no longer be married.

This might be the easiest route for you.

As long as you're legally married, you'll remain emancipated!

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