I am being harassed at work

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I am a 24 year old whit emale who works for a small car dealership in Kentucky. I have worked here for the last 9 months and have been constantly harassed by my boss and fellow imployees. They call me the Bitch or Nigger almost everyday. I also have an extensive background in graphic design and my boss has asked me on more than one occasion to falsify financial documents. I felt like if i did not do this I would be fired. I have a wife and two daughters I have to support so that is the only reason i still work there. But this harassment has caused me to become more and more deppressed and angry. I need to know if there is any legal action I can take to fix this problem.

Thank You
Check your company's mutual respect and sexual harassment policies. Once you have that checked out, follow procedure. I am sure they recommend that you file a formal complaint with your HR department. That should bring management to their senses. If no improvement, then document all the incidents (like you did on your posting providing as much detail as you possibly can) and then consider filing a complaint with the EEOC. Good Luck!
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