Other Debt I am questioning the Aceppted 4 Value Hype!NEED HELP!


New Member
I am sending this script to anyone that can assist me honestly with the A4V Process. I need to know if it's true or not... And if so where to start...I would like to know how to discharge credit card debt, and discharge a bill... thank you.

I am sending this script to anyone that can assist me honestly with the A4V Process. I need to know if it's true or not... And if so where to start...I would like to know how to discharge credit card debt, and discharge a bill... thank you.


Let's start with a definition of A4V.

This is the best one I've read recently.

The fact I've read this doesn't mean I agree with the explanation, or the concept A4V in the legal sense.

Here you go:


Okay, now that you've read the definition and a brief explanation, the predicate has been laid.

Tell me what it is, SPECIFICALLY, that you're trying to accomplish.


For example, a person might say: I want to get rid of $5,000 of credit card debt, my $400,000 mortgage, $150,000 of medical debt, $75,000 of education loans, and $60,000 of IRS debt.

I wouldn't call that a "brief" explanation. :confused::rolleyes:o_O

I managed to get through the first few pages of that hogwash before realizing it was 50 pages of hogwash.

I would like to know how to discharge credit card debt, and discharge a bill.

You either file bankruptcy or you pay your debts.

If you have the cash you might be able to negotiate a sump sum discounted full and final settlement.

Thinking you can do away with your debts with some mumbo jumbo hocus pocus is a delusion.

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