F Visa I beg for help about criminal and F-1 status

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Briefly, I stole a computer from a big box which include this computer, 17"monitor, keyboard, mouse and speaker which totally $1500, I just took computer out of the store, five days later, I went to the same store, took a Laser printer and a portable DVD player which totally is around $500, I was arrested and charged with:
1. 1st retail fraud (felony) with that computer stealing
2. 2nd retail fraud (misdemeanor)with printer and DVD player stealing
now, it has been almost two months since that happened, last friday, I went to my second arraignment on the court, my lawyer told me the prosecutor agreed to dismiss my second charge( 2nd retail fraud). As to the first one, she basiclly agreed to low the charge to misdemeanor, however, this need to be agreed by her supervisor and signed by him/her.
So if all of these can happen, to my understanding, I will be charged a misdemeanor for my stealing, My biggest concern is : 1, will I be deported; 2, will my school know of this and dismiss me? I am on my F-1 status now and in Michigan now. Thank you very much for your consideration and help.
since you have an attorney you should discuss this with her or him. If he or she doesn't really know, you might want to consult an immigration attorney, too, and BEFORE you go to court.

You are facing the risk of being deported, even if one of the counts get dismissed. It depends on the exact disposition and how it is treated under federal immigration law. Discuss it with your attorney.
They should deport you on the next bus going anywhere out of the county. Maybe then you would think before taking something that does not belong to you.
We try to have a professional appearance in this forum, therefore I thknk this posting is not appropriate. We all have our opinions about the questions and cases posted here, but we keep them to ourselves.
NYClex said:
We try to have a professional appearance in this forum, therefore I thknk this posting is not appropriate. We all have our opinions about the questions and cases posted here, but we keep them to ourselves.

My apologizes to you verbatim and Nyclex. What I stated was very inappropriate and I will not let this happen again.
my lawyer told me if I only have one misdemeanor, I won't be deported, it that ture? and My school will know it or not? I don't know. Thank you very much for your help and education.
my brother cought in in theft $500.00 or over charge and he got PBJ IN YEAR 2002, now

his case has been expunged, can he get hi citizenship.
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