I bought a car to somebody that was title jumping


New Member
I bought a car about 1 1/2 month. The person that sold me the car (person A) was doing what is called title jumping. The problem is this, the title has a wrong signature, the person who sold me the car signed as the seller but she was not legaly the owner. Due to that issue is imposible to register. In addition, the previous owner (person B) submited the form of release liability and register the trasfer under person B name. They offer me the option of obtain bonded title but actually is not what I want because I contacted person B and she told me about some issues that the car has. I tried to get my money back and return the car but person A was not accesible, also there is no posibility for person B to get a copy of the title since she mad tha sale report. To sum up the situation, I have a title under the name of person B, signed by person A as the seller and a form 130-U signed by person A.

Here are my questions:

Could the release liability under person A's block my posibility for a bonded title?

Is feasible to sue for fraud in such situation?

If I go to the police and report her what consecuences could she have?

Can I demand to get a title under her name that I can register without problems?

What is the best alternative you suggest for me?
If you receive incomplete or incorrect evidence of ownership or have lost the evidence of ownership and cannot contact the seller for the necessary documentation, you may have the option of using the bonded title procedure to transfer of ownership. Here are the steps to do so.

TXDMV.GOV - Bought a vehicle without a title?
You can call the cops and see if they will pursue it.
Generally the cops have bigger fish to catch and fry, so its best always says: BUYER BEWARE.

Don't pay for the vehicle until you've ascertained the seller's lawful authority to sell the vehicle.

Buying a car from a private seller might appear to be cheaper, it often isn't, as you have learned.
What is the best alternative you suggest for me?

Post the bond because anything else will involve known scammers and you'll get nowhere.

PS: Didn't you examine the title before you handed over the money? Would have been obvious that there was title jumping.
Post the bond because anything else will involve known scammers and you'll get nowhere.

PS: Didn't you examine the title before you handed over the money? Would have been obvious that there was title jumping.
Im new in the US and I dont know to much about how this is maneged.
Im new in the US and I dont know to much about how this is maneged.

This scam is as old as time.

Buyer beware, caveat emptor (that's Latin), so you know its old.

Never hand over the cash until the paperwork is complete.

Avoid buying from private sellers, as they prey upon unsuspecting people.
Car dealers will rob you blind a lot more thoroughly and efficiently than private sellers.

Private party deals can be fine if one uses just a little common sense.

Sorry, my friend, our experiences determine our world view.

I've never had a bad experience in purchasing or leasing any automobile.

I know that anyone who sells me item ABC at price $XXX isn't cheating themselves.

Therefore, my only concern is how much is item ABC worth to me.

One thing I can say unequivocally is that legalities matter to me, which is why I tolerate certain price deltas to ensure I won't be bamboozled by salvaged autos, title jumping, or even stolen vehicles.

Bottom line, each of us operates his or her life his or her way.

What Rudy enjoys, Ramona dislikes, etc...

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