I bought a house and after closing find out the tenant was not evicted as...

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I bought a house and after closing find out the tenant was not evicted as stated.*If the house is not vacated as stated in the buy and sell contract, what can I do? Should I still take procession of the house and deal with the tenant issue or not?
Did you look at your contract of sale for the house? That is the first and most important place to look. You may not even have a right to remove the tenant yet. Have you discussed the matter with the tenant that you found living there? That's probably the first thing you should do since it will be cheaper to tell her that she needs to move and getting her to move voluntarily. You may end up needing to pay some money to evict this person but your contract of sale will also tell you whether you are entitled to expenses and damages. This issue should have been dealt with in your contract of sale or rider.
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